
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Downloading & Installing the vSphere Update 1 Client For Windows 7

As we pointed out earlier in the week, vSphere Update 1 now supplies a Windows 7 compatible client, one that works out of the box. However, There are some folks who have not jumped into Update 1 yet, but still need to manage vSphere hosts. Not a problem you might think, and try to hop over to the VMware site to get it. Excepting, it’s not quite there, at least not without being a few clicks deep. So how do you get it? Well…

1. Download ESXi (Register if you must)


2. On the binaries screen, select the client download (Yes it is 100MB, no it will not kill you):


Make sure to save it to your desktop. This will be important.

3. Unblock it (Right click, Properties(This is why we saved instead of ran)):


4. Run As Admin:


5. Follow the rest of the install:


Note: J# takes… a…. while…

6. Fire it up:


7. And done!


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